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Writer's pictureDenise Magill

Personal Life was a Rollercoaster…. Business was a Struggle Bus.

Before I dive in I want to clarify one important piece of information. My entire business was not a struggle, I’m being dramatic! 😂

Small Business Struggles and Support

Setting up my Business

When I set up my business I knew that I wanted to have monthly retainer clients. People who are businesses I am super passionate about. People I absolutely love working with each and every month. So my OBM and VA role with these clients has been rock solid for a long time. I built it with this intention from day one and it is the solid foundation that everything else will be built upon going forward!

My 2023 Business Goals

My goal for 2023 however was to try and serve more people without them being monthly clients. So I turned to the internet, scouted what others were doing and decided that creating a course was the only way forward. I consumed loads of content from other people, moved super fast and attempted to sell a mini audit course within the space of two weeks.

It failed, obviously.

There was no understanding of my audience. There was no strategy or intention. There was no belief in the content. I wasn’t being myself. It was quite frankly, an attempt at an easy win. Lesson learned, business ain’t easy!

Life Getting in the Way

Life got crazy, I decided my business was destined not to grow and stopped trying.

When things started to positively shift for me in Serifos, I thought it was time to try again. So I started being more intentional with my content and marketing. I was able to see more of the areas that people were getting stuck. I built a curriculum and course that was genuinely a really great tool for small business owners. I showed up consistently to sell. It felt better than the first time. And I failed. Again.

*cue Negative Nelly….

  • This scaling a business thing just ain't my jam.

  • I'm not cut out to be an entrepreneur.

  • Everyone is so successful apart from me.

  • I'll never make the money I desire for my dream life.

  • People think I'm stupid and useless.

This narrative was playing over and over, despite having the evidence from my past and existing clients that none of it was true! I already have a successful business. I am helping clients live their dreams every day!

I stopped trying to create.

I stopped posting on social media.

I stopped brainstorming and planning.

I stopped.

Then one day it hit me.

I had been doing a lot of inner work as I mentioned yesterday. This consisted of lots of different modalities, including human design, therapy, astrology, mentors, meditation, and more! Through all of this study and work, I came to understand myself a lot better and realised two things.

I am not a teacher. My gifts come in the form of collaboration and guidance, not teaching.

I was playing small and not trusting myself with the bigger vision.

On point number 1…

Creating a course was always going to feel sticky and gross for me. It didn't allow for collaboration because I was trying to build it as a one-way street! I wasn't allowing room for the connection with the person on the other side. I was simply sharing information without any real meaning. I wasn't creating space for responsibility, for myself or the client.

So armed with this new knowledge of myself, I started to figure out the ways I can be of service to clients in a different way. Looking at how I can work WITH people through collaboration and with responsibility instead. The offer I'm sharing next is built with these at its core and I am SO EXCITED to share it!!

On point number 2…

The bigger vision is beginning to come to life with the launch of this brand and these offers. We are just getting started!

Hope you stick around to see it 😊



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